The last quarter century of US-instigated wars must be studied as a chain of interconnected events. The strategic logic of the US drive for global hegemony extends beyond the neocolonial operations in the Middle East and Africa. The ongoing regional wars are component elements of the rapidly escalating confrontation of the United States with Russia and China. [2]
My Quarter Century of American Politics, Volume 1
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Tropical cyclone track forecasts by operational numerical weather prediction models have greatly improved over the last quarter century, but there still exist challenges such as forecast busts and the enhanced use of ensembles.
This WGNE intercomparison clearly shows that TC track forecasts by operational global models have significantly improved over the last quarter century. This improvement can be seen in the verification not only in both hemispheres and the globe but also in each basin. In the WNP basin, for example, we have succeeded in obtaining an approximately 2.5-day lead-time improvement over the last 22 years from 1993 to 2014. In addition, given skillful track guidance from multiple NWP centers, the combination of these tracks (i.e., a consensus track) is generally more skillful over the season than any of the individual NWP center tracks. In contrast to track forecasts, challenges still remain in forecasting TC intensity by global models, though resolution in some of the models has increased to the point that they are capable of representing very strong TCs.
There are people who influence you and there is the person who changes your life. For me, that person was Steve Cohen. From the first time I spoke with him on the phone in 1993 about a story I was writing for India Today (where I worked then), to my entry into the graduate program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, to him inviting me to write a book with him, Steve shaped my life for a quarter-century. I even met my wife, Elana Mintz, at Brookings after Steve offered me a job there.
From Stokes's (1963) early critique on, it has been clear to empirical researchers that the traditional spatial theory of elections is seriously flawed. Yet fully a quarter century later, that theory remains the dominant paradigm for understanding mass-elite linkage in politics. We present an alternative spatial theory of elections that we argue has greater empirical verisimilitude.
U.S. agricultural imports also expanded steadily over the past quarter century, largely driven by growing domestic demand for an array of consumer-oriented products. Between 1996 and 2021, total agricultural imports more than quadrupled in value, reaching $171 billion in 2021.
My title revises the title of a video produced by the Bay Area based Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund in 1997 to commemorate a critical event in American history.1 The occasion for that video was the twentieth anniversary of what has been called "perhaps the single most impressive act of civil disobedience in the United States over the last quarter-century," the twenty-five-day-long sit-in by disability rights activists at HEW's San Francisco office to push (successfully) for assertive enforcement of "Section 504" government regulations prohibiting disability discrimination.2 DREDF named the video "The Power of 504." Inserting the discourse of "Black power" into the discourse of "the power of 504," I mean to do two things: first, to call attention to the historiography of 504 activism as an example of what Chris Bell calls "whitewashed" or "white disability studies"; second, to suggest that in real and almost entirely unrecognized ways, the "power of 504" was enacted as and through a very particular seventies locus of Black power.3
Late in 1999, a large cache of materials was found by Ron Blazek, a professor at the School of Information Studies at FSU, in a back room of the Harold Goldstein Library which was being cleaned out for use as a conference room. This material consists of three chronologically arranged volumes of letters and other papers covering the period from 1946 to 1960 which had been sent to Shores by Wayne Shirley in 1962 . Shores apparently had these early papers bound into the three volumes but subsequent shipments of papers were not so well organized and were instead somewhat randomly stuffed into several file folders. Shores had undoubtedly intended to organize the rest of the material, but never accomplished the task and the papers remained in the deanís office in the basement of FSUís Strozier Library until the FSU library school moved into its new quarters in the Louis Shores Building in the early 1980s. The contents of the dean's office were moved to the Shores Building and stashed in cabinets along the walls of the storage room in the library. This more detailed paper incorporates the new material that has come to light since the 50th anniversary of the LHRT. The archival papers of the round table have been sent, with thanks to Ron Blazek, to the ALA Archives at the University of Illinois.
Though FDA can trace its origins back to the creation of the Agricultural Division in the Patent Office in 1848, its origins as a federal consumer protection agency began with the passage of the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act. This law was the culmination of about 100 bills over a quarter-century that aimed to rein in long-standing, serious abuses in the consumer product marketplace.
This drawing by William Allen Rogers depicts the shops, street peddlers, and bustling street life of Boston's Jewish quarter at the turn of the twentieth century. The drawing illustrated an article by Sylvester Baxter entitled "Boston at Century's End," which appeared in Harper's Magazine.
American Express Co. on Thursday recorded its first quarterly loss in over a quarter-century and said it would suspend its share-buyback program in the first half to rebuild capital as it absorbed a hit from tax changes in the U.S. 2ff7e9595c